
Brian Guy

As a Senior Partner of St. James's Place, I provide tailored financial advice to individuals and businesses. My business philosopy is to focus on building and maintaining long-term and trusted relationships with clients. I aim to be your trusted financial adviser in creating clear financial solutions.


I have worked in financial services for more than 30 years and provide broad based advice, mainly to directors, professionals, private, and retired clients helping them with practical solutions to the financial issues that concern them most.

I specialise in the area of Investment planning, Retirement planning, Protection planning and Inheritance Tax planning.

Because of my strong client focus, I build my business solely on introductions, both from my private clients and from other long-standing professional relationships. My clients are keen to recommend me to their friends, family and colleagues so that they too may benefit from the sound professional advice they have received.

Outside of my business, I am a keen hill walker and reader.

Charity is also important to me, I am passionate about the St. James's Place Charitable Foundation.

In a world of economic uncertainty and ever-changing priorities, it is important to have someone you trust looking after your interests. Planning a secure future for yourself, your family or your business is one of the most important steps you will ever take, so it is vital to regularly review your financial situation to make sure you take advantage of any developments in legislation and tax law.

With offices based in both Derry/L’Derry and Belfast we offer bespoke financial solutions to clients within Northern Ireland.


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Advice & Services

We offer an excellent wealth management service which will help you achieve your goals

Mortgages and specialist banking
Finding the right mortgage for you can be a minefield. So we offer practical, clear advice on mortgages, loans, and financing, plus access to specialist banking services.

News & Insights

Visit Insights to read articles and news to help you make informed decisions about your wealth

More about St. James's Place

We’re not about selling products. Of course, we aim to achieve the best returns and help you make the most of your money. But it’s not all we want. We’re relationship-builders, ready with guidance and advice whatever stage you’re at in your life. We offer a financial service that lasts a lifetime, and beyond.


St. James's Place Guarantee

St. James's Place guarantees the suitability of the advice given by members of the St. James's Place Partnership when recommending any of the wealth management products and services available from companies in the group, more details of which are set out on the Group's website.

SJP Approved 16/10/2022

The Partner is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group's wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group's website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The 'St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles 'Partner' and 'Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.